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Book description
NoneTable of contents
- ZeroMQ
- Dedication
- Preface
I. Learning to Work with ÃMQ
- 1. Basics
- 2. Sockets and Patterns
- 3. Advanced Request-Reply Patterns
4. Reliable Request-Reply Patterns
- What Is âReliabilityâ?
- Designing Reliability
- Client-Side Reliability (Lazy Pirate Pattern)
- Basic Reliable Queuing (Simple Pirate Pattern)
- Robust Reliable Queuing (Paranoid Pirate Pattern)
- Heartbeating
- Contracts and Protocols
- Service-Oriented Reliable Queuing (Majordomo Pattern)
- Asynchronous Majordomo Pattern
- Service Discovery
- Idempotent Services
- Disconnected Reliability (Titanic Pattern)
- High-Availability Pair (Binary Star Pattern)
- Brokerless Reliability (Freelance Pattern)
- Conclusion
5. Advanced Publish-Subscribe Patterns
- Pros and Cons of Publish-Subscribe
- Pub-Sub Tracing (Espresso Pattern)
- Last Value Caching
- Slow Subscriber Detection (Suicidal Snail Pattern)
- High-Speed Subscribers (Black Box Pattern)
Reliable Publish-Subscribe (Clone Pattern)
- Centralized Versus Decentralized
- Representing State as Key-Value Pairs
- Getting an Out-of-Band Snapshot
- Republishing Updates from Clients
- Working with Subtrees
- Ephemeral Values
- Using a Reactor
- Adding the Binary Star Pattern for Reliability
- The Clustered Hashmap Protocol
- Building a Multithreaded Stack and API
II. Software Engineering Using ÃMQ
- 6. The ÃMQ Community
- 7. Advanced Architecture Using ÃMQ
- 8. A Framework for Distributed Computing
- 9. Postface
- Index
- About the Author
- Colophon
- Copyright
Product information
- Title: ZeroMQ
- Author(s):
- Release date:
- Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- ISBN: None
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