PyPA Members, And How To Join

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Historically, the PyPA was a loose confederation of people and projects; the word “authority” in the name was meant to be a joke. PEP 609 formalizes the PyPA somewhat and clarifies membership and governance rules.

Does not require membership

Anyone is welcome to (while following licensing terms) use PyPA projects.

Anyone is welcome to (while following Code of Conduct) contribute patches, bug reports, feature requests, ideas, questions, answers, and similar information in our GitHub organization repositories, and discuss issues and plans with us in the Packaging category on

Project membership

The PyPA member projects are those listed within our GitHub organization.

Per PEP 609, any existing PyPA member can propose to accept a project into PyPA, and members vote to decide whether to accept that proposal. Criteria include the project adopting the PyPA’s Code of Conduct and the project being relevant to Python packaging, as determined by existing members of PyPA.

To request PyPA project membership, start a thread in the Packaging category on

Individual membership

Maintainership of a project that is under the PyPA organization automatically transfers individual membership in the PyPA. The PyPA individual members are those who have maintainer status (also known as committer status or write permissions) or triage permissions on any projects within the PyPA GitHub organization. Currently there is no public list of all PyPA individual members.

Per PEP 609, to become an individual member of the PyPA, you can do either of the following:

  1. attain PyPA project membership for your project (for which you are already a maintainer)

  2. attain maintainership or triage permissions in a project that is already a PyPA member project

PyPA member projects each make their own decisions regarding granting maintainer and triager rights to individuals.